Monday, September 12, 2011

Research Blog

I think the key to choosing the right topic for a research paper is to find something that really interests you, something that you're passionate about, and then dig deeper. And when you think you've found gold, dig even deeper. I am an Applied Physiology and Kinesiology, also known as APK, major at the University of Florida, and while the name may sound fancy, it's really just exercise science. I wouldn't go so far as to say I'm really passionate about the curriculum of such a major, but I am pretty interested in it. I'm fascinated by how the body works, how it adapts, how in the most extreme circumstances, even the scrawniest kid on the playground can become Popeye the sailor. I chose this major because it gives you a pretty in-depth look at how and why the human body is capable of doing the things it does. An APK student also gains the understanding of the importance of exercise and how it contributes to the overall well-being of someone. Less stress, better mood, healthier weight, and better physique are all benefits of exercise. Exercise also helps to reduce blood pressure, reduce your chances of heart disease, stroke, it helps to reduce depression. It's like the multi-vitamin for your daily life. If everyone knew this information, if everyone exercised, how much healthier could we be as a nation? People say "Oh, I don't have enough time" or "nah, I'm just gonna watch some television." No, no, no, no, get up and do something. Run, swim, bike, walk, dance, push-ups, sit-ups, chase the kids around the house, do some jumping jacks, do anything to get your heart pumping. According to the Centers for Disease Control and prevention, one third of U.S. adults are obese as of 2010. The 2010 census reported over 308 million U.S. citizens. Do the math, that's over 100 million obese people in the United States. That's billions of pounds of diabetes, heart disease, gout, and billions of dollars for the healthcare industry. How many healthcare business actually care about our health? Some of them don't really care as long as their pockets stay thick. Money is a powerful thing. It can sometimes blind those from what truly matters..

1 comment:

  1. So. . .are you thinking of doing a paper on obesity? The Healthcare industry? This is still a large topic. Try to narrow it down a bit.
