Saturday, October 1, 2011


We greeted with a handshake,
unsure if more was appropriate.
It felt as if I were gripping sandpaper.
I had always said I’d find him someday,
but this is not what I had imagined.
I remember welcoming hugs,
and hearty laughter.
I remember being tossed into the air,
knowing with all my heart he’d catch me.
I remember the tickle monster,
who was relentless with his attack,
always bringing me to the brink of wetting myself.
I remember thinking this is who I want to be when I grow up.
But now,

His choice of cologne?
His full head of thick black hair,
now receding
with the grays beating out the blacks for territorial dominance.
His once infectious smile,
now infected.
White, black, white, white, black.
He did always like to play the piano.
I should have left him lost,
is this what I’m destined to become?

1 comment:

  1. Again, I would point to a couple of lines that are really powerful:

    His choice of cologne?

    I also like the contrast you make between white and black (and grays). The image of the piano is a great correspondence to this (white keys, black keys).

    These are powerful images.
