Monday, October 31, 2011

Fallen Angel

Cruising altitude.
Darkness covers the sky,
the city below just an ant farm,
decorated with Christmas lights.

I fly as if I’d been born with these wings,
these pearly white propellers of flight.
Barrel rolls and dives and turns,
making even the most exhilarating roller coaster jealous.

How am I so lucky
To receive this gift of flight?

Hovering above my leg ridden companions,
Soaring through the air with the best of them.

But like a gambler out of luck,
This joy ride soon came to an end.

My coveted wings vanished,
The ants got bigger,
The lights,
I’d probably still be falling,
if it weren’t for the ground below.

I opened my eyes
to the sound of my own screaming.
Man wasn’t meant to fly.

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